Getting back on track is all about routine. A healthy routine that provides balance in your life. The unfortunate reality is life has a different idea about maintaining healthy behaviors. So, try these 5 hacks to get back on track.
How do you cultivate a healthy routine when you feel rusty?
Glad you asked! Let’s chat…
The cool thing is you get to choose. “Healthy” looks different for each of us, but feeling balanced & fulfilled is the key. Your routine should reflect that.
Most understand the basics of what to do, but knowing and doing are two different things. Here are a few examples.
- To lose weight most realize eating chips instead of fruit and vegetables won’t provide the desired result. Yet your weekly shopping cart contains more junk than produce.
- To prioritize self-care most know to schedule downtime, yet you accept one more commitment.
- To have time to exercise it has to be early morning workouts, yet you stay up late bingeing on your favorite show.
Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way and expecting a different result.
Chinese Proverb
Sounds so crazy when you read it, but if this describes you…listen up!
Any “unhealthy” habit can be changed by focusing on the routine. It just doesn’t happen overnight.
Let’s talk about realistic expectations! You need to get ready!

You’re going to FAIL…A LOT!
This is how it works. Embrace it! Learn from what didn’t work and try something else. If you want quick results…Fail Fast!
Let’s talk solutions!
5 Hacks to get you on track
First off, ask yourself this.
Do you want to change? Just because your doctor, spouse or an article expressed concern doesn’t mean YOU are ready.
Secondly, realize this.
What behavior do you need to work on? It’s best to focus on one routine at a time. It needs to be important to YOU! Something you really want to change.
Thirdly, consider this.
What is the trigger? Every habit has a trigger whether you or someone else established it. When you think about triggers consider this:
- What time will it occur?
- Where will you be?
- What emotion do you think you will be feeling?
Fourthly, explore this.
What would be the reward? Routines become powerful when you crave “how it makes you feel” as opposed to “what you give yourself as the treat”.
I usually recommend rewards to not be food based…think deeper. What gives you life & fills you up emotionally? Here are a few ideas to consider:
- quiet time
- journaling
- hobby
- time with family & friends
Lastly, put it all together
Write out your plan. Jot down your ideas to focus your effort. I love Charles Duhigg’s “How to create a habit” book to guide you.
Now, let’s apply it! Remember the examples?
To lose weight most realize eating chips instead of fruit and vegetables won’t provide the desired result. Yet your weekly shopping cart contains more junk than produce.
Let’s assume grocery shopping is never planned. You usually make your meal plan while walking through the isles grabbing what looks tasty.
Your shopping cart will require a plan in order to have more produce than junk.
The habit: To replace chips with fruit & vegetables.
What’s the trigger? When I…
- Grocery shop
What’s the routine? I will…
- Meal plan, finding new recipes with fruit & vegetables to try.
What’s the reward? It provide’s me with…
- Empowerment that I’m fueling my body.
- Memories using my grandmother’s recipe.
- Therapy from chopping and mixing delicious food.
- Proactive not reactive in controlling what goes into my body.
Hopefully you get the idea and can start trying different triggers and rewards. Make it fun and keep a sense of humor. You may be surprised what works.
In conclusion, getting back on track is all about routine. When you feel your healthy routines are rusty just apply these 5 hacks to back to a balanced, fulfilled life.
Awesome encouragement!