Could leaky gut be at the root of your weight gain? We complete this 5 Part Series diving into our last topic of identifying surprising causes [Read More]
Gut Health After WLS
Part 4: Surprising Causes of Weight Gain After WLS-SIBO
Could SIBO(Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) be at the root of your weight gain? Hopefully you are following along with this 5 Part [Read More]
Part 3: Surprising Causes of Weight Gain After WLS- Dysbiosis
Part 3 digs deeper into negative bacterial shifts. In fact, one specific negative bacterial shift called dysbiosis. To simplify let's do a [Read More]
Part 2: Surprising Causes of Weight Gain After WLS-Motility
Surprising causes of weight gain after WLS-Motility issues Could motility issues be a surprising cause of weight gain after WLS? In Part 1 we [Read More]
Part 1: Surprising Causes of Weight Gain After WLS
WLS has been the most effective tool for weight loss. It encompasses a lot of physical and mental work. Although not easy, it consistently [Read More]
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