Gastric Health Show Wed, 06 Apr 2022 18:04:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 2015 Indside Out Weight Loss LLC We help patients get healthy, lose weight and achieve your goals. Gastric Health Our mission is to help gastric bypass and sleeve patients get healthy, lose weight and achieve your goals. Our holistic approach combines decades of patient experience with the power of whole real foods and quality supplements to help patient live healthier happier lives. Gastric Health No Episode 028: Are You Forgetting The Most Important Rules Of Breaking A Weight Loss Stall? Fri, 31 Aug 2018 14:34:31 +0000


Calorie counting and weight loss don’t always add up

If you are in a stall and need to jump start weight loss staying within a CALORIE NUMBER doesn't guarantee weight loss success.

Ending a weight loss stall is all about burning body fat not losing weight

The first thing to remember is you are either burning fat or storing fat there is no in between. If you're activating hormones that store fat all the time, then you're creating the perfect storm for a weight loss stall.

I know this may be difficult to understand, but even if you're carefully counting your calories and eating everything in moderation. Your weight loss may stall, if you are eating the wrong “type” of food.

In order to jump start weight loss, what you want to do is loose body fat and body fat loss is all about hormones not calorie counting.

Hormones, body fat and weight loss

Your body's major fat-storing hormone is insulin. You may think of it only regarding diabetes, but it's one of the most important hormones in helping you break a weight loss stall.

In contrast to insulin, is the hormone glucagon which triggers the breakdown of stored body fat for energy. This process is essential to help you jump start weight loss.

Why low fat and no fat will cause you to stall

To shift your body into a fat-burning state, you need to put more focus on quality of food with less focus on quantity. By doing this, you automatically shift your consumption of Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins (macronutrients) which stabilizes your hormones and creates an optimum health condition called homeostasis.

Remember though, it's not about having a low-carb diet necessarily; it's about having a better ratio of all three macronutrients to enable the hormone glucagon to signal your body to use “stored” fat for energy as opposed to blood fat “triglycerides” which leads to greater weight loss.

Jump start weight loss with quality not quantity

The quality of food versus quantity of calories philosophy is easily understood in the following analogy.

“Picture 1000 calories coming from sugary soda drinks versus 1000 calories coming from a healthy source such as broccoli”

When you think of calories in this context, it is not hard to see your body using calories from soda differently than calories from broccoli.

It doesn't matter how few calories a pack of healthy snack well cookies may or may not have. The real question you have to consider is what are these Calories communicating throughout your body?

In plain terms, how are these Calories impacting your hormones?

I can tell you, if they are processed food Calories. They're causing your hormones to store body fat and not use it.

In the end, the best way to break a stall and get back on track to achieving your long term goals is to concern yourself with the quality of food you are consuming.

If you need help breaking a weigh loss stall join our Back On Track Challenge

Our challenge is free, but it is only offered to members of our private Gastric Health Club. Click the below image to join



If you are battling regain or just looking to lose more weight.  Join our private facebook group – The Gastric Health Club

Here’s what one of our members has to say….

I loved the recipes… easy and my husband loved them, as did I. I felt full and satisfied. I have not had a low blood sugar since following your 10 Day Back on Track Class Meal Plan and that was my goal.

Plus, the loss of 4 pounds was an added bonus. Looking back I realize I was not eating the right foods therefore I was having low blood sugars. I have a whole new way of thinking when it comes to eating thanks to the Gastric Health Club and to you Dawn! Thanks!!

Melissa Maxwell,
Delphi, IN

Your future health awaits

4:10 Learn how to identify when your weight is truly stalled
5:20 Learn how much & what type of food you should be eating to keep weight loss moving
10:15 Learn why adding more protein supplements won’t guarantee weight loss
11:20 Learn the importance of taking all bariatric vitamins & the connection to weight stalls
16:10 Learn how being fat-phobic can be detrimental to your weight
17:00 Learn how improperly digesting and absorbing foods will impact weight loss
19:40 Learn how much exercise is required to support weight loss
23:45 Learn how important your sleep cycle & managing stress is to weigh loss

Listen, Learn, Enjoy

References & Links:

  1. 30 Day Back on Track Program


]]> 0 Calorie counting and weight loss don’t always add up If you are in a stall and need to jump start weight loss staying within a CALORIE NUMBER doesn't guarantee weight loss success. Ending a weight loss stall is all about burning body fat not losing weight The first thing to remember is you are[Read More] No No 30:31 Dawn Boxell Gastric Bypass Weight Loss, gastric sleeve weight loss stall