Gastric Health Show Wed, 17 Mar 2021 01:20:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 2015 Indside Out Weight Loss LLC We help patients get healthy, lose weight and achieve your goals. Gastric Health Our mission is to help gastric bypass and sleeve patients get healthy, lose weight and achieve your goals. Our holistic approach combines decades of patient experience with the power of whole real foods and quality supplements to help patient live healthier happier lives. Gastric Health No Episode 036: Are Your Genes Making It Difficult To Burn Fat? Wed, 17 Mar 2021 00:40:54 +0000 Gastric Health Show Episode 36

Certain Genetic SNPs increase risk for storing fat

We cannot control the genes we are given, but we can change how genetic SNPs are expressed by focusing on diet, lifestyle and gut health.  When looking at pro-inflammatory pathways there are several SNPs that can make burning fat more difficult.

Fat Cells

Fat cells are more than just storage compartments,  they are metabolically active messengers.  These messenger molecules are called adipokines.  In general, fat cells secrete pro & anti-inflammatory adipokines to manage inflammation.

Excess Fat

When we have excess fat, the inflammatory response becomes disrupted, increasing inflammatory molecules.  So, not only can poor diet choices increase inflammation & fat cells, but fat cells themselves can increase inflammation making it difficult to burn fat.

Gut microbiome to the rescue

Gut bacteria moderate inflammation, providing an anti-inflammatory response.   If you are struggling with excess adipose tissue, a healthy gut is a great way to improve your fat burning.

If you need additional help calming down inflammation check-out our FREE 10 Day Challenge.  You can also learn more about inflammation listening to “4 Secretes all RNY & VSG patients need to know about weight regain” or the “Here is a simple strategy that is helping RNY & VSG patients lose more weight”.  

If you want to learn more about how powerful your Gut Microbiome can be in helping you lose weight, modulate inflammation and epigenetically turn off pro-inflammatory genes read more here.


Your future health awaits

5:00 Learn about the pro-inflammatory genetic SNPs
8:00 Learn how active fat cells are
13:00 Learn the role the gut microbiome plays in improving fat burning

Listen, Learn, Enjoy

References & Links:

“The role of nutrigenetics & nutrigenomics in clinical nutrition practice



]]> 0 Certain Genetic SNPs increase risk for storing fat We cannot control the genes we are given, but we can change how genetic SNPs are expressed by focusing on diet, lifestyle and gut health. When looking at pro-inflammatory pathways there are several SNPs that can make burning fat more difficult. Fat Cells Fat cells are more[Read More] No No 0:00 Dawn Boxell