Gastric Health Show Wed, 07 Apr 2021 22:10:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 2015 Indside Out Weight Loss LLC We help patients get healthy, lose weight and achieve your goals. Gastric Health Our mission is to help gastric bypass and sleeve patients get healthy, lose weight and achieve your goals. Our holistic approach combines decades of patient experience with the power of whole real foods and quality supplements to help patient live healthier happier lives. Gastric Health No Episode 039: Part 3 The Lock & Key to Weight Loss Resistance Wed, 07 Apr 2021 22:10:57 +0000 The Gastric Health Show: Episode 39

The lock & key to weight loss resistance

We are closing out our discussion on “Why would someone not lose weight after WLS?”  We identified our genes are the lock & cofactors are the key in Part 2 sharing the importance of vitamins & minerals and how they influence gene behavior.

In Part 3 we will show how cofactors influence yet another importance process…detoxification.

The importance of vitamins & minerals impact detoxification

Detoxification is a natural process your liver is responsible for.   Issues arise when you are missing required cofactors necessary for phase one & phase two detoxification to occur.

Not only are specific vitamins, amino acids & phospholipids necessary for your liver to remove toxins, but your genes play a role as well.

How genetics impact detoxification

Some individuals are missing genetic SNPs responsible for specific processes in phase one and two detoxification.   When this occurs toxins build up creating liver disease and other health issues.

How detoxification impacts weight loss resistance

A great example estrogen.  If an individual poorly detoxifies estrogen it impacts their ability to lose weight.  So not only do fat cells produce estrogen, they also inhibit the ability to access fat stores making it more difficult to lose.

If you are struggling with weight loss resistance

First off, I would say don't lose hope!  I would love to work with you on optimizing your results.  I have worked with tens of thousands of WLS patients helping them identify those not so obvious causes contributing to weight loss resistance.  Weight loss isn’t only about diet and exercise.  There are many factors that can influence your results.

Your future health awaits

4:00 Learn about detoxification
9:00 Learn how the importance of cofactors in detoxification
12:00 Learn how certain genetic SNPs impact detoxification
15:00 Learn how detoxification impacts weight loss resistance


Listen, Learn, Enjoy

References & Links:

  1. The role of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics in clinical nutrition practice
  2. Personalized nutrition: Translating the science of nutrigenomics into practice: Proceedings from the American College of Nutrition Meeting
  3. Unbalanced estrogen metabolism in ovarian cancer
]]> 0 The lock & key to weight loss resistance We are closing out our discussion on “Why would someone not lose weight after WLS?” We identified our genes are the lock & cofactors are the key in Part 2 sharing the importance of vitamins & minerals and how they influence gene behavior. In Part 3 we[Read More] No No 0:00 Dawn Boxell Gastric Bypass Weight Loss, Gastric Bypass Weight Regain, gastric sleeve weight loss, gastric sleeve weight loss stall, Gastric Sleeve Weight Regain, weight loss resistance, Weight Loss Stalls, Weight regain after gastric sleeve surgery