Counseling Sessions 2 Month Plan
This package is recommended for the following:
Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms
Unfortunately, Vitamin Deficiencies are extremely common after weight loss surgery. This often manifests as…..Brittle nails, bruise easily, frequent muscle cramping, hair loss, night vision problems, restless leg syndrome, unable to sleep at night.
The specific labs utilized within this plan provide the information and insight necessary to help identify and resolve these issues within 1-2 months.
This plan is for those with a solid understanding of the diet, lifestyle and proper supplement changes required post weight loss surgery to be successful. For this plan to be effective, one needs to have a solid daily food plan, be willing to take the recommended supplements and a good support system to help implement and follow through with the recommended changes.
Weight Loss
This plan is designed for those struggling to achieve their weight loss goals.
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