Your gut bacteria have the ability to regulate bowel movements, determine how often you get sick, influence the amount of calories & nutrition your body absorbs, control cravings, as well as impact anxiety, & depression.
New WLS studies showing improved gut health maximizes weight loss
Now, new research produced in the journal “Science Translated Medicine” shows one reason weight loss surgery is so effective in helping patients initially lose weight is the positive affects the surgery has on improving patients gut bacteria
The study points out….
“Women who had undergone gastric bypass surgery had more significant differences in the composition of their gut bacteria than the women with severe obesity who had not had surgery. For example, bacteria belonging to the genuses Escherichia, Klebsiella and Pseudomonas were more abundant in women who had undergone gastric bypass than in those who had not had surgery.”
The researchers went on to say in the journal of Cell Metabolism.
“Our results suggest that the gut mirobiota may play a direct role in the reduction of adiposity (body fat) observed after bariatric surgery “
Bacteria, probiotics and other gut healing foods
Simply put. In order to avoid or lose regain after weight loss surgery, you want to promote growth of “good” bacteria to build up an army of probiotics that maximizes weight loss while improving your overall health.
Probiotics can be taken in a pill or capsule form and are vital in helping improve your gut health after weight loss surgery.
However, they are also found in foods like Sauerkraut, Kombucha, yogurt, Kefir & Kimchi. So, incorporating these types foods in your daily eating habits goes a long way in helping you achieve your weight goals.
Improve your gut health with probiotic supplements and foods rich in probiotics
As a bonus, here are two sample recipes containing foods that will stimulate growth of the good bacteria, are quick and simple to create and taste absolutely delicious.
Thank you for pointing out that after your gastric bypass you are going to want to make sure an take a lot of probiotics. My mother is wanting to have this surgery and I’ll have to keep this tip in mind. Hopefully, we’ll be able to find the best doctor in our area to do this surgery for us.