7 ways stress leads to weight gain Stress, the under recognized influencer of weight gain. I’m not sure there is a person on earth who [Read More]
WLS Digestion
Estrogen causing digestive problems after gastric surgery?
Estrogen causing digestive problems after gastric surgery? Are you having digestive problems after gastric surgery? Estrogen could be the [Read More]
Are you digesting fat and carbohydrates adequately?
Are you digesting fat & carbohydrates adequately? Are you having digestive issues? Digesting fat and carbohydrates is important to your [Read More]
3 causes of digestive issues after WLS
3 causes of digestive issues after WLS Are you having digestive issues? Despite your efforts, you haven't seen any result? There are many [Read More]
Is Your Gut Lacking This After Gastric Sleeve & Bypass?
Is your gut lacking this after gastric sleeve & bypass? Improving gut health is an essential consideration after bariatric [Read More]
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